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U.S. Day 1 Fire Weather Outlook

   FNUS21 KWNS 100639

   Day 1 Fire Weather Outlook  
   NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
   0139 AM CDT Mon Mar 10 2025

   Valid 101200Z - 111200Z


   A mid-level impulse will traverse the north-central CONUS today,
   encouraging surface troughing across the northern Plains into the
   southern High Plains, with a surface cold front poised to surge
   southward across the northern Plains during the later half of the
   period. Preceding the surface cold front, within the surface
   troughing regime, dry and windy conditions are expected across
   portions of the northern and central Plains. Over the central
   Plains, 15-25 mph west-southwesterly sustained surface winds amid
   15-20 percent RH will encourage Elevated wildfire-spread potential
   given dry fuels. Across the northern Plains, closer to the stronger
   upper support, sustained westerly surface winds may reach 20 mph in
   spots, with sustained northwesterly surface winds potentially
   exceeding 30 mph behind the cold front. Given dry fine fuels and RH
   dipping to at least the 15-25 percent range by afternoon peak
   heating, Elevated/Critical highlights have been maintained.

   ..Squitieri.. 03/10/2025

U.S. Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook

   FNUS22 KWNS 100651

   Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook  
   NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
   0151 AM CDT Mon Mar 10 2025

   Valid 111200Z - 121200Z


   A mid-level trough over the eastern Pacific will rapidly approach
   the CONUS and impinge on the Desert Southwest tomorrow (Tuesday),
   encouraging surface low development across the southern Plains. As
   this occurs, dry downslope flow from the southern Rockies will
   overspread portions of the southern High Plains, promoting
   wildfire-spread potential. By afternoon peak heating,
   west-southwesterly surface winds in the 15-25 mph range will become
   common, along with RH dipping to 5-15 percent. Critical fire weather
   highlights have been introduced where guidance consensus shows 20+
   mph sustained surface winds overlapping with 10 percent RH for at
   least a few hours Tuesday afternoon.

   ..Squitieri.. 03/10/2025

U.S. Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook

   FNUS28 KWNS 092112

   Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook  
   NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
   0412 PM CDT Sun Mar 09 2025

   Valid 111200Z - 171200Z

   A very active fire-weather pattern is expected across the southern
   Plains throughout the extended forecast period, as a series of
   robust midlevel shortwave troughs traverse the area amid
   increasingly dry/receptive fuels. The greatest concern is on Day
   6/Friday, when widespread critical conditions are expected across
   the southern Plains, with the potential for high-end critical to
   extremely critical conditions also evident. 

   ...Days 3-5/Tuesday-Thursday - Southern High Plains...
   The first low-latitude midlevel shortwave trough and related strong
   flow aloft will overspread the southern Rockies and adjacent High
   Plains during this time frame. This will yield dry/windy conditions
   west of the dryline each afternoon, with critical conditions

   ...Day 6/Friday - Southern Plains...
   A highly amplified large-scale trough and attendant 100+ kt midlevel
   jet streak will emerge over the southern Plains, while a surface
   cyclone rapidly deepens over the central Plains. In response, very
   strong deep-layer westerly flow will overspread a deep/dry air mass
   across the southern Plains, where fuels will be drying out leading
   up to the event. This system will favor widespread critical to
   extremely critical fire-weather conditions. Further northeastward
   extensions of the 70-percent Critical probabilities may become
   necessary in future outlooks as forecast confidence increases
   regrading RH reductions.

   Thereafter, a secondary low-latitude shortwave trough will likely
   emerge over the southern High Plains on Day 7/Saturday, leading to
   another day of critical conditions across the region.

   ..Weinman.. 03/09/2025

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