Southwest U.S. Current Weather Conditions
Temperature [ F° ]
Dew Point [ F° ]
Humidity [ % ]
Wind [ mph ]
Rain Today [ in ]
Pressure [ inHg ]
Fire Danger [Chandler Burning Index]
] Weather, WebCam, Lightning,
] Weather, Lightning,
] Weather, WebCam,
] Weather
Cluster - click to expand details
Conditions data shown was collected
from 2025-03-12 18:30:18 PDT to 2025-03-12 18:33:09 PDT
Regional mesonet-map script by
Stations Features
- Arizona
- California
- Acton
[ Weather, WebCam ]
- Camarillo
[ Weather ]
- Camarillo-2
[ Weather ]
- Duarte
[ Weather ]
- Exeter
[ Weather, WebCam ]
- Foresthill
[ Weather ]
- Merced
[ Weather, WebCam ]
- Oakdale
[ Weather ]
- Placerville
[ Weather, WebCam, Lightning ]
- Rail Road Flat
[ Weather, WebCam ]
- San Diego
[ Weather ]
- Santa Cruz
[ Weather, WebCam ]
- Saratoga
[ Weather, WebCam, Lightning ]
- Saratoga-2
[ Weather ]
- Scotts Valley
[ Weather, WebCam ]
- Tahoe Vista
[ Weather, WebCam, Lightning ]
- Union City
[ Weather ]
- Hawaii
- Nevada
- Utah
Regional Mesonets
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